Born in 1981 in Le Mans (FR) / Lives and works in Marseille since 2013 (FR).
2009/2010 Professional photography training (32 weeks program) / Spéos Paris photographic Institute, Paris (FR)
2005/2006 MA visual arts & sciences of arts (Master 2) / Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris (FR)
2004/2005 MA visual arts & sciences of arts (Maîtrise) / Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris (FR)
2001/2003 Bachelor visual arts & sciences of arts (DEUG + Licence) / Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, Nîmes (FR)
2000/2001 Preparatory year in applied arts / Créasud - École de Condé, Bordeaux (FR)
EXHIBITIONS (selection)
2024-2025 Group show Anonymous Drawings / Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien / Berlin (DE) and online
2021 Solo show Résolution irrégulière / Galerie du Tableau / Marseille (FR)
2017 Group show Photography on a postcard / The printspace gallery / London (UK)
2014 Group show / La Galerie du Curée / Luxembourg (LU)
2011 Group show La condition humaine / Galerie Pascal Vanhoecke / Paris (FR)
2011 Solo show / Librairie de la Galerie / Paris (FR)
2010 Group show Speos Paris photographic Institute / Paris (FR)
2010 Group show Outerspace (alter ego Sainte Julie) / Espace d'art contemporain Agent Double / Geneva (CH)
2008 Group show Provok (alter ego Sainte Julie) / Atelier Z- Centre culturel Christiane Peugeot / Paris (FR)
2007 Group show Anonymous Drawings #5 / Blütenweiss-raum für kunst / Berlin (DE)
rESIDENCIES, events and programs (RÉSIDENCES, événements & programmes)
2024 Centre artistique de Piégon / art retreat / Piégon (FR)
2023 La clinique pour artistes / art residency program run by Dos Mares and supported by DRAC PACA / Marseille (FR)
2021 Le Couvent / open days / Marseille (FR)
2020 An artist a day / live show by Dr Chris Lee for 15 minutes every day from June 18-September 13, 2020 / Online
2019-2021 Curriculum Chromé / professionalization program for artists living in the South of France run by Les Ateliers Jeanne Barret and supported by Région Sud / Marseille, Toulon, Aix-en-Provence (FR)
AWARDS & grantS
2011 Opline Prize / finalist with Anne Marie Durou, Antoine Dorotte, Bernard Lallemand, Christophe Avella-Bagur, Isabelle Le Minh, Jeanne Susplugas, Laurent Le Deunff, Miguel Chevalier, Olga Kisseleva, Pascal Lièvre, Stéphanie Cherpin, Tia Calli Borlase & Yann Toma. (Jury: Jean Michel Raingeard, Christian Gattinoni, Didier Arnaudet and ORLAN) / Online
2005 18ème salon des artistes / first prize “young artists” / Louvres (FR)
Performances & collaborations
2008 Concept album Croixade by Cetusss (featuring alter ego Sainte Julie on the song Croixade)
2006 Museum keeper/cultural mediator/performer wearing one of Daniel Buren’s pink and white vest, La Force de l’art / Paris (FR)
PUBLICATIONS (selection)
2017 Cover for “Unterwegs im Leichenwagen” from Ross Mcdonald published by Diogenes Verlag AG, Zürich (CH).
2015 Make8elieve #7 online
2013 Peut-être magazine #7 paper and online, Paris (FR)/ Make8elieve #4 online / Make8elieve #3 online
2011 Super Massive Black Hole # 6 online
2009 Ninja Magazine+Lab #10 online / Paper X #2 paper, London(UK) / Plateform Mag #10 online
2006 Appendices #0 online
photo AGENCIES (agences)
2012-2016 Gallery Stock / stock photographer / online
2013-2014 Getty images / press photographer / Paris (FR)
art GALLERIES (galeries d’art)
2020-2022 Maison Contemporain / online (FR)
2014-2015 La Galerie du Curé / Luxembourg (LU)
Collections privées (FR, USA)